A simple texting solution for Property Managers and Landlords

Dealing with tenants can be a challenging proposition. Sometimes you need to convey time-sensitive information and you need to reach them in the way they want to be reached. Although email is important, nothing has the urgency of a text message.

 It’s not a discussion

Announcements are just that– announcements. When you tell your tenants they have to clear the parking lot by a certain time, you don’t want to hear about how it’s inconvenient for some; you just want it done.  EpicMessages sends messages, it does not foster conversations.

Parking Restrictions

Sometimes a parking lot needs to be cleared for snow removal, line painting, resurfacing, etc. 

Text messages are a great way to communicate and remind tenants so the project is not delayed.

Rent REminders

Some tenants have memory problems when it’s time to pay the rent. You can easily segment a subset of tenants using the ‘tags’ feature. Tag some tenants for rent reminders and they will be the only ones who get the reminders, while the rest are skipped.

event promotion and reminders

Do your properties feature the occasional event, such as mixers, cookouts, and other social activities?

These can be scheduled in advance and your renters will be notified when it’s scheduled and again the day prior to the event.

Multiple properties

Do you manage multiple properties? You can create a tag for each property or building and assign the tag to specific renters so when you have news about ‘Building 1″ you can send a message to all the building 1 tenants at once without sending irrelevant messages to tenants in other buildings.