A simple texting solution for campaigns and office holders.
Running for office is a challenging proposition. You need to reach your supporters in the way they want to be reached. Although email is important, nothing has the urgency of a text message.
We help you win
Running for office is tough business. You need every advantage you can get, and that includes the ability to reach your supporters and constituents by text messaging.
Keep supporters informed
Supporters who want to know where you’re at can simply text ‘events’ to your number for the next few scheduled campaign events.
You can even setup custom responses to key words you define.
push news and endorsements
When you have important endorsements or news, you can post a new blog page on your website with details. Send a text message with a headline and link to the webpage to drive traffic and promote the great news.
event promotion and reminders
Got an unscheduled campaign event? Why not text out all your supporters within 10 miles of the event using zip code proximity? It’s easy to fill your events!
integrates easily into website and emails
Users can sign up easily — simply text ‘hello’ to #1234 (for example, if that were your number) or join from your website. Your mom could do it.
Add a button to the bottom of your emails or onto your website for quick and easy signup.
Thad Riley for NH Governor
Sign up for alerts from Thad Riley for Governor. Text ‘win’ to 603-965-2333